8 Essential Questions to Consider Before Committing
by George Obolo
One question I often get is, “How do you balance everything you do?” The truth is, I’ve wrestled with this myself countless times. Between my role as a doctor, commitments to social equity, ongoing personal projects, and the drive to keep growing, the weight of it all can feel overwhelming. And it’s true: there have been times when I’ve taken on too much, thinking I could somehow manage it all. But I learned (the hard way) that balance isn’t just about doing everything; it’s about choosing the right things.
One evening, feeling particularly stretched, I spoke with one of my mentors. They reminded me of the importance of saying no to good things so I could say yes to the right ones. That conversation transformed my perspective. I realized it wasn’t about fitting everything in but about filtering out what didn’t align with my purpose. I now take time to seek counsel, ask myself the questions I’ve shared here, and make sure that each commitment fits into my broader vision.
So, when people ask me about balance, I tell them it’s not some magical skill but rather a commitment to purposeful choices, guided by wise counsel. And that is where I find my stability.
Balance isn’t about fitting everything in; it’s about choosing what truly matters. Saying yes to the right things is what drives lasting impact.”
8 Questions to Consider Before Committing (or Recommitting) to a New Goal, Project, or Job
Decisions that shape our lives often come with a mix of excitement and hesitation. Whether it’s a new project, a fresh career direction, or a personal goal, it’s crucial to assess whether it aligns with your purpose and values. Here are eight questions to help you discern where to invest your time and energy. And remember, these are best considered in conversation with someone you trust—and even better, written down for clarity. If you commit with purpose, success becomes inevitable! 🥳
1. Am I Bearing Fruit or Just Branches?
Does this opportunity bring actual impact, or is it filled with endless actions, emails, and meetings that don’t move the needle? Focus on substance over busyness; impact matters more than looking productive.
Don’t confuse movement with progress. You can run in place all day and never get anywhere.”
— Denzel Washington
2. Is This Fulfillment of My Overarching Purpose?
Every commitment should bring you closer to your life’s purpose. When we take on roles or goals that don’t align with our calling, we risk diluting our energy and effectiveness where it truly matters. Does this align with where you’re meant to go?
3. How Does This Fit Into My Big Picture?
Think about where you want to be in 5 years, or even by the end of this year. Does this new commitment support that vision? Opportunities are everywhere, but not every opportunity is a meaningful one. Stay focused.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
— Stephen Covey
4. Does This Align with My Core Values, or Am I in It for Something Else?
When you choose a commitment, it should reflect your beliefs and values. Are you stepping into this for the right reasons, or is there an underlying distraction (like money, clout, or the approval of others)? Make sure it feels authentic to who you are.
5. Can I Give This 100%, Considering Everything Else I Do?
Honest check-in: does this fit in with your current commitments? Half-commitments rarely bring fulfilment, and besides, burnout is real. Aim to go all-in on fewer things than spread yourself thin.
To be everywhere is to be nowhere.”
— Seneca
6. Is This Challenging Me and Helping Me Grow?
Growth is often uncomfortable but necessary. Will this commitment push you to be better? If you don’t see the potential for personal development, it may leave you feeling stagnant. Look for challenges that stretch you.
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”
— Fred DeVito
7. Does This Offer Something Unique I Can’t Get Elsewhere?
Weigh the value of this commitment carefully. Does it add something unique to your life that other commitments don’t? Time is limited, so invest it where it brings real, new value to you and others.
8. Would My Mentors Advise Me to Do This?
If you haven’t run this by a mentor yet, it’s time to get their perspective. A mentor’s insight is invaluable; they often see things we miss. If you think they’d steer you away from this, consider why—and if their advice would be worth taking.
In the multitude of counsel, there is safety.”
— Proverbs 11:14
These questions serve as a starting point, not an end-all checklist. Feel free to reach out if you want to dive deeper into any of these considerations or talk through your decision-making process.